February 17, 2011

Spring Break in Cancun

It's coming up to that time of year again. Students across the USA are cramming for exams and burning the midnight oil, in order to get that assignment in on time. But the scent of spring break is in the air and, for an even higher number of people than ever, that means Mexico! Orbitz has reported that Cancun, San Jose del Cabo and Puerto Vallarta are all in the top five Spring Break destinations this year. Bring on the party!

Spring Break

Resort towns, like Cancun, are crowded at the best of times, but Spring Break is when the atmosphere really starts buzzing. Flash parties, organized parties, activities and trips, anything can and will happen, with perfect strangers grinning solidarity in the streets. Everyone is here for a fun time and the excitement is palpable in the air.

If you are one of the thousands who make the pilgrimage here every year, then you know what to expect. Party on! This is a blog aimed at those venturing out for the first time. Oh! You are going to have such a treat! However, for many of you, this is a foreign country, so let's see how we can prepare you for a great vacation.

Endless Tours's Top Ten Tips for a
Perfect Cancun Spring Break.

Spring Break

Tip Number One: Pack Well

Cancun is hot, in every sense of the word! You will be basking beneath a tropical sun, with a beach-life booming and the nightclubs beckoning. If you are unfamiliar with such temperatures and lifestyle, then you'll need to know what to pack.

We blogged about that here: Packing for your Cancún Vacation.

Tip Number Two: Exchange Your Money

Cancun is a tourist destination and, as such, the majority of places accept US dollars. It's convenient for those on vacation. But is it necessarily the best deal for you?

Enter the debate and know your currency here: Dollars versus Pesos in Cancún.

Spring Break

Tip Number Three: Educate Yourself About Timeshare

As soon as you step off the 'plane, you will be approached by Timeshare representatives. They will offer fantastic deals, including free trips or entrance passes into attractions. They will offer the world on a plate. It is your prerogative to decide whether to accept or walk away. However, you can't really do that unless you know precisely what Timeshare is!

Learn all about it in this blog: Timeshare.

Tip Number Four: Arrive Quickly and Safely at your Hotel.

The last thing that you want is any delay in getting to the party. Once out of the airport, you will be met with a bewildering array of people offering to drive you to your accommodation. Many of these will be Timeshare operatives; while some are unlicensed drivers out to make a quick buck. Hey! It happens everywhere! But you don't have to fall for any of it.

The trick is to book your shuttle transfer in advance. Naturally, we'll want to highlight the Endless Tours service here. Alternatively, Cancun Airport has licensed the internationally reknowned Taxi by Hertz.

Spring Break

Tip Number Five: Find the Party.

To be fair, it would be harder to not find any parties. Cancun is one big party during Spring Break. They even happen on the bus. True story.

Read about some of the bigger Cancun nightclubs here: Party Night in Cancún.

Tip Number Six: Party Legally!

Nothing puts a dampener on a vacation like being arrested and thrown in jail. (Though granted, for some, no vacation is complete without it.) Please do remember that you are in a foreign country now, so the laws may be totally different to those back home. If you commit a crime in Mexico, then you will be subject to Mexican law. No exceptions.

Familiarize yourself with the most important ones (ie those covering sex, drugs and rock'n'roll) here: Is it Legal?

Spring Break

Tip Number Seven: Look After Yourself

You might feel invincible, out there having the time of your life, but your body can have other ideas. The Mexican sun can be hot, hot, hot! If you are not used to the heat, then it's worth swotting up on how to avoid common pitfalls.

We have a couple of blog entries concerning that: Coping With the Mexican Heat: Body Temperature and Over-Heating and Coping With the Mexican Heat: Keeping Cool. A new Sombrero anyone?

There's also the fact that a sudden change in drinking water or food can upset a delicate constitution. When this happens in Mexico, then it's called Montezuma's Revenge.

Tip Number Eight: Learn to Haggle Like a True Bargain Hunter

Cancun is an amazing location for shopping. There are several large malls (and a loads of smaller ones too), but there are also the mercados. These should be approached with the spirit of a hunter. You can bag yourself some serious bargains here, but only if you know how to haggle.

A user-guide to these markets can be found here: How to Haggle for Goods at the Mercado

Chichén Itzá

Tip Number Nine: Venture Out on Some Trips

You could spend your entire vacation around the hotel and beach. There would be enough to keep you entertained right there. But you wouldn't be seeing the true Mexico there. Broaden your horizons with a trip away from the resort, as there are some absolutely awesome sights very close to Cancun. This includes one of the Seven New Wonders of the World, Chichén Itzá.

You can peruse some of them over on the Endless Tours website.

Tip Number Ten: Enjoy Yourself!

This is your big vacation. Let all the stresses go and just kick back. You will have the time of your life and, undoubtedly, we'll see you again next year.

Spring Break

Viva Mexico! And viva Spring Break!


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